Book Publishing & Library

Series Always At Hand

Handbooks for students of Reformed theology

Meet the Puritans

Meet the Puritans by Joel R. Beeke and Randall J. Pedersen contains biographical sketches of all major Puritans, along with bibliographies and summaries of their works.

Manual of Christian Doctrine

Available soon

Manual of Christian Doctrine is Louis Berkhof’s comprehensive yet concise introduction to the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith from a Reformed perspective – the first systematic theology of its kind on the Polish market.

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life

Forthcoming in 2024

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life is “a groundbreaking treatment of the Puritans’ teaching on most major Reformed doctrines” written by Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones.

Series To the Sources

Historically significant primary sources

The Westminster Confession of Faith

The Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) meets a great need for confessional literature in the Polish language.

A Friendly Conversation Between an Evangelical Minister and a Roman Catholic Priest

A Friendly Conversation Between an Evangelical Minister and a Roman Catholic Priest is a Reformation-era work by Polish-Lithuanian minister Daniel Kałaj, now republished for a modern Polish audience.

The Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms

Forthcoming in 2024

The Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms (1647) are one of the most important catechisms ever written and their translation is greatly needed in the Polish context.

Series Intellectual Shakeup

Thought-provoking works relevant to our postmodern era

Christianity and Liberalism

Christianity and Liberalism is J. Gresham Machen’s classic defense of Christian orthodoxy, written in 1923 to counter rising theological liberalism.

For Calvinism

For Calvinism is Michael Horton’s clear and accessible explanation of Calvinist doctrine, written for the educated layperson.

If you would like to order our books, contact Brooke Bryćko. To order in Poland visit our online bookstore.

Help Needed to Finish Calvin’s Institutes

Marek Handrysik at the Tolle Lege’s book launch event for the first volume of Calvin’s Institutes in Polish

We have learned that the publisher/editor of the first-ever Polish translation of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, Mr. Marek Handrysik of Horn Publishing, is financially unable to complete the (already translated) 2 remaining volumes of this 4-volume work. Until now, Calvin’s Institutes have never before been translated into Polish.

Would you consider a designated donation to help with this groundbreaking project? To help, include a note “for Calvin translation” with your donation, or write to Brooke Bryćko with questions:

Tolle Lege would like to provide Mr. Handrysik with a stipend of $550/mo. through the end of this year, with the possibility of renewal. The goal would be to have the third volume edited by the end of 2023, and the fourth volume by June 2025. (The stipend would be distributed by the Evangelical Free congregation in Mr. Handrysik’s hometown of Świętochłowice, in which he serves.)

New Translation Projects

Westminster Assembly

We are currently raising funds to translate The Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechism and A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones (published by Reformation Heritage Books). These books will serve as excellent companion volumes to Tolle Lege’s translation of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Joel Beeke’s Meet the Puritans.

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life

We have a donor willing to match gifts up to $10,000 toward the translation of A Puritan Theology! If you would like to help sponsor this project and have your donation count toward the match, email Brooke at with the date and amount of your gift.

Tolle Lege’s study center in Warsaw

Books are the heart of Tolle Lege’s mission. We aim for strategic impact, translating essential works by Protestant thinkers that have been unavailable in the Polish language for far too long. Our focus is on primary sources – systematic theology, confessional literature, and church history – as well as sound modern works defending the doctrines of grace.

Tolle Lege also offers free access to biblical and theological resources. Your support keeps our library in Warsaw open to the public 5 days a week, providing friendly access to 8,000+ print and e-books that are otherwise hard to find in Poland. Visitors are welcome to make themselves a cup of coffee or tea and do research in our open study area.

Our curated online bookstore carries both Polish and English titles essential for understanding the Reformed heritage, including Poland’s own Reformers like Jan Łaski (Johannes a Lasco). We ship books all over Poland, and sometimes receive orders from Polish-speakers living abroad. (In 2011 Polish became the second-most spoken language in England after English!)

The Tolle Lege Institute is doing important work in translating significant Reformed material into Polish. Poland produced notable Protestants at the time of the Reformation but has on the whole been dominated by Roman Catholicism now for many years. Tolle Lege are helping to address this theological imbalance and provide thoughtful Christians with excellent historic resources.

Dr. Carl R. Trueman

Recent Events

Inauguration of the Academic Year

On October 2 we inaugurated the academic year at the College of Theology and Social Sciences. Dariusz has just become the Director of English Theological Studies and is developing the Reformed/Presbyterian Theology track, newly created in cooperation with Tolle Lege. Brooke teaches Research & Writing courses.

New Publication

On September 30 we got our latest book from the printing house—A Friendly Conversation Between an Evangelical Minister and a Roman Catholic Priest. It is a Reformation-era work by Polish-Lithuanian minister Daniel Kałaj, now republished for a modern audience.

Development of the Reformed/Presbyterian Track at the College

In partnership with The College of Theology and Social Sciences in Warsaw, Dariusz was asked to develop a new Reformed/Presbyterian Theology track and serve as Director of English Theological Studies. Brooke will teach Research & Writing courses.

Official welcoming of our mission congregation

At the June Synod of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Lithuania, our church plant core group was welcomed as an official mission congregation.

Recent Events

A Conference on Puritans

On November 28 we hosted a conference on Puritans. The speakers were Rev. Dr. Dariusz Bryćko (Instytut Tolle Lege), Dr. Paul C. H. Lim (Vanderbilt Divinity School), Rev. Dr. Kamil Hałambiec (Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczno-Społeczna), and Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller (First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, TX). Because of the pandemic, all the lectures and the discussion panel were hosted online. More than 100 participants were able to grow in their knowledge of Biblical truth and Puritan piety.

All the lectures are available online for watching.

Calvin’s Institutes Book Promotion

On September 24 we hosted a book promotion for the first-ever translation of Calvin’s Institutes to Polish, published by HORN.

What does Tolle Lege Mean?

Tolle Lege is a Latin phrase meaning “take and read.” It is taken from St. Augustine’s account of his own conversion in his classic work Confessions. While weeping in his garden, overwhelmed by a sense of sin and separation from God, Augustine heard an audible voice, as of a boy or girl chanting in a neighboring house, “Take and read, take and read.” Startled by these words, Augustine interpreted it as a command from God to open the Bible and start reading the first passage he should find. The Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 13:13-14 confronted his most closely held sins – and the moment Augustine received God’s Word he was flooded with indescribable peace. He immediately confessed his faith to others and began a new life in Christ.

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