The three hosts in the recording studio to talk about the Westminster Confession of Faith
“In the Fiery Furnace” Podcast
Where to listen:
The three hosts kicking off the show with an extended discussion of the Westminster Confession of Faith are …
Dr. Dariusz Bryćko, president of Tolle Lege & church planter of the Warsaw congregation of the Evangelical-Reformed Church of Lithuania
Dr. Michał Kuź, professor of political science at Łazarski University
Mateusz Kupiec, Tolle Lege’s publishing director and translator of Tolle Lege’s recent edition of the Westminster Confession of Faith
The show’s aim is to help equip the listening audience for thoughtful and faithful service to Christ. Its name and logo are inspired by the story of Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego in the book of Daniel, who remained faithful to God in spite of great societal pressure. But the image of fire also corresponds to the purity and power of God’s Word, as in Psalm 12:6: “The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times.”
Podcast production comes with an extra cost to our Institute. We are in need of additional support if this project is to continue in 2023.
Recent Events

Inauguration of the Academic Year
On October 2 we inaugurated the academic year at the College of Theology and Social Sciences. Dariusz has just become the Director of English Theological Studies and is developing the Reformed/Presbyterian Theology track, newly created in cooperation with Tolle Lege. Brooke teaches Research & Writing courses.

New Publication
On September 30 we got our latest book from the printing house—A Friendly Conversation Between an Evangelical Minister and a Roman Catholic Priest. It is a Reformation-era work by Polish-Lithuanian minister Daniel Kałaj, now republished for a modern audience.

Development of the Reformed/Presbyterian Track at the College
In partnership with The College of Theology and Social Sciences in Warsaw, Dariusz was asked to develop a new Reformed/Presbyterian Theology track and serve as Director of English Theological Studies. Brooke will teach Research & Writing courses.

Official welcoming of our mission congregation
At the June Synod of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Lithuania, our church plant core group was welcomed as an official mission congregation.
Recent Events
A Conference on Puritans
On November 28 we hosted a conference on Puritans. The speakers were Rev. Dr. Dariusz Bryćko (Instytut Tolle Lege), Dr. Paul C. H. Lim (Vanderbilt Divinity School), Rev. Dr. Kamil Hałambiec (Wyższa Szkoła Teologiczno-Społeczna), and Rev. Dr. Bob Fuller (First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, TX). Because of the pandemic, all the lectures and the discussion panel were hosted online. More than 100 participants were able to grow in their knowledge of Biblical truth and Puritan piety.
All the lectures are available online for watching.
Calvin’s Institutes Book Promotion
On September 24 we hosted a book promotion for the first-ever translation of Calvin’s Institutes to Polish, published by HORN.
What does Tolle Lege Mean?
Tolle Lege is a Latin phrase meaning “take and read.” It is taken from St. Augustine’s account of his own conversion in his classic work Confessions. While weeping in his garden, overwhelmed by a sense of sin and separation from God, Augustine heard an audible voice, as of a boy or girl chanting in a neighboring house, “Take and read, take and read.” Startled by these words, Augustine interpreted it as a command from God to open the Bible and start reading the first passage he should find. The Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 13:13-14 confronted his most closely held sins – and the moment Augustine received God’s Word he was flooded with indescribable peace. He immediately confessed his faith to others and began a new life in Christ.
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